Ovarian Rejuvenation – the New Hope for Infertile Women?

In 10 seconds? A new technique offers new hope to infertile couples by “turning back the fertility clock” in women. It’s cheap and it helps naturally achieve a pregnancy – but it needs more research.

Why is it such a big deal? For so many infertile couples – including women who went through menopause early –, egg donation seems to be the only viable option to have a child, specifically when ovarian aging of the would-be mother is an issue. But ideally, most women would like to be their child’s genetic mother, not just their birth mother, which is not possible with donated eggs (although research suggests that the birth mother still passes on some of her DNA to the child). The pregnancy rate – according to this study - is about 30% from donated eggs, and the successful pregnancy rate is even lower, around 19%. Plus, evidence points to a higher risk of morbidity (illnesses) associated with pregnancies resulting from donor eggs. Ovarian rejuvenation gives women a chance to avoid the donation route.