Mistrust of Covid-jabs creates risk for pregnant mothers

In 10 seconds? Public health bodies are now urging pregnant women to get vaccinated against Covid-19 as they are at higher risk of severe illness and giving premature birth. But although routine pregnancy vaccination is common in pregnant women, they are wary of Covid-19 jabs.

How do we know if unvaccinated pregnant women are at higher risk? A recent – but not yet peer reviewed – study from Oxford University has found that in the UK, 99% per cent of pregnant women needed hospitalisation. In other words: unvaccinated expectant mothers, were ending up in hospital with Covid symptoms, with 1 in 10 needing intensive care and 1 in 5 giving birth prematurely. According to the data, the risk of having to resort to a caesarean section has doubled. Earlier studies have also shown that pregnant women were at higher risk of experiencing illness and death from Covid-19 than non-pregnant women.