Hunger hormone and good memories: a recipe for obesity?

In 10 seconds? Scientists are getting closer to understanding how smells and images of food - with the help of the hormone ghrelin - can draw people to overeat and develop obesity, which can be a gateway to a host of diseases.

What did they discover? That ghrelin increases the response to food cues. Among them, odors are learned cues that rely on memories stored in our brains. According to the study, ghrelin makes us react to the sight and smell of food, consequently increasing appetite, which can lead to overeating. Obesity is a major health problem that leads to type 2 diabetes, heart problems, and several cancers. It is also interesting that ghrelin is associated with the brain region that plays a role in mood disorders (MD). Researchers have found a relationship between, MDs and obesity and that it might be a risk factor for anxiety disorders. Stress was found to contribute to overeating and obesity in individuals on a high caloric diet. This current study offers more insight into the role ghrelin plays in appetite.