Despite your genes, you can cut the risk of colorectal cancer

In 10 seconds? Adopting a healthy lifestyle can lower the risk of colorectal cancer by 40% in people who are genetically predisposed to this disease.

That’s something! What exactly does the research say? It’s no big news that a healthy lifestyle is associated with a lower risk of various cancers. Avoiding smoking and alcohol, keeping a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and favouring a plant-based diet are all factors known to be protective against cancer. US researchers found that, after a follow-up period of almost 6 years, people with a high genetic risk of colorectal cancer but who had an “healthy” lifestyle were 40% less likely to develop this cancer than those who fell in the “unhealthy” lifestyle category. Among people with a low genetic risk, those in the “healthy” category still had a 25% lower risk of colorectal cancer than those in the “unhealthy” lifestyle category.